Note to Self ~ When Discouraged

Aaron, you seem incredibly frustrated and discouraged lately.

It seems to me that you're grieving because you’re unable to act ‘perfectly’ in all crises, as well as tackle that 'always-before-you' list of outrageously high expectations which very few – if any – can accomplish. You are not superwoman. You are not God. You are not able to handle each situation with 100% righteousness.

Being right before God is not a matter of doing enough or being of a certain caliber. Standing before God is only obtained through the blood of Jesus Christ. You know this, on the matter of salvation, but you seem to have forgotten that there is not anything else required but to love God and love people.

You cannot hammer yourself into perfection. Dear child, stop hurting yourself. Stop trying to force yourself to become whatever you think that you must become. Stop running so hard. Breathe! Sit. Reflect on what The Lord's done for you. Has He not done it all? Has He not given you all that you need? Yet you keep trying to grab at MORE, thinking that there's "just one more thing" you need… and somehow if  you search hard enough and long enough, you'll find that answer.

Dear one, the answer is Jesus. Simply Jesus. REST in Him. Pursue Him alone. Trust Him. He loves you. He will guide you most perfectly. He will finish what He's started in you (Heb 12:2).  

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” - Matt. 11:28-30, NASB

Aaron, do you remember? Jesus could not even make anything happen on His own. Equality with God was not something to reach for (Ph 2:11). Credit was given to God the Father for works done. He modeled His dependence on God on good and rough days. God's own Son did not make things happen on His own, but chose to rely fully on God and believe God’s will would be done in the Father’s timing and fashion.

As long as our thought is fixed on our experience instead of on the God Who gave us the experience... we become censorious, not humble... [Jesus] continually sacrificed His natural life to the word and the will of His Father and made it a spiritual life, and we have to form the same habit. It is the discipline of a lifetime; we cannot do it all at once. - Chambers, O. (1996). The moral foundation of life. Hants UK: Marshall, Morgan& Scott.

Do you see, dear friend? God will have His way in your life. You are not beyond "fixing." Reaching for goals is fine, but you've taken goal-setting to a level of idolatry. Aim instead for deeper intimacy with your Father in heaven.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. " - Prov. 3:5-6, NASB

He is able. He is willing. Rest in Him.

Abba, Help me to rest in You, to trust in You, and to simply be who I'm created to be. Help me leave the rest up to You. Thank You for reminding me that I'm only human, but You are God and You are doing a magnificent work in me. I love You. In Jesus' name...

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