I'm in the bathroom, for crying out loud!

Have you been embarrassed to mutter something to yourself in a bathroom, and freeze because you realized others could hear you? Well, I had just sat down on the throne, if you catch my drift, when I found myself saying out loud “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Ph. 4:13, NASB) when it happened. 

Yep, someone heard me.

I know, I know. It was crazy of me to think our bathroom at home was private enough for some personal “pep talk” during a rough day. Someone thought I needed a reminder right then and there. Someone wanted my full attention, and The Lord got it! I’m not one to stand up until I can have some privacy, if you know what I mean.

Do you want to know what He found so important to tell me in the throne room?
It blew my mind…
But you probably already knew this…  

The Lord pointed out that “strengthens” is active and present tense. Yep. That was it, and it's all I needed to keep going. I'm glad for the reminder (even if it had to be in the bathroom). 
God is actively engaged in our daily lives. Even in the bathroom! It’s so easy to forget that He is in the trenches of my day, helping me. I don't have to beg or just hope that He'll help me. When I turn to Him for help, He's been there all along patiently waiting for me to ask. 

"For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His." 2 Chronicles 16:9, NASB

Surely, I’m not the only one who needs these reminders. 

Hopefully I just spared you the embarrassment of being told while you're on your little throne.

Father, I confess that some times when I sit down to read Your Word, I act like I'm putting in time at work. Yet You're so faithful and kind to send us messages of hope throughout the day, reminding us that You love us in spite of how we treat You. Thank You for being so tender, pure, and kind to us! Thank You for giving us strength. We don't deserve Your help. You are amazing! Help me remember, each morning when I wake up, that spending time with You is about a relationship. It's not just another task. I need to give you everything each morning. It's when I lay everything down at Your feet that the path is open for You to do the great work You've planned for that day. I love You! In Jesus' name...

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