Goodness! Gracious!

Ever say that?

"Goodness, gracious!"

I'm not sure where the saying originated - and being that I was only a southerner for a few years of my life - it's funny that I even use the term.

I used to try to make myself stop the bad habit, but one day I realized that

I need help
(I know, you're SO SURPRISED, aren't you.)

I need help to remember

God is goodness.
God is gracious. 

So, when I'm frazzled, before "Goodness..." is finished on my lips, I've recently trained myself to say to myself, "Even though I'm frazzled & things aren't going my way. It's still true, that God is good. His goodness is with me. Even now in this very instance. He says His grace is sufficient." Then, I ask for His help.

I know this isn't the best of habits, and eventually I do hope to be "mature" enough of my strong rudder of a tongue. Meanwhile, I think it's ok to use some bad habits to kick-start good thinking. My Abba's grace is greater than my weakness, and I think He's pleased that I'm trying to develop good habits to replace those bad ones.

So, fellow sistas.... how about it? Is there something you frequently think or say that could become your jump start to transformed thoughts, taken captive according to Christ Jesus?

Abba God, You are good. You are gracious. Your grace IS enough in all circumstances. I do believe, and ask for help in the places of doubt which still permeate my live. Thank You for saving me completely from all that is not of You... and for assurance that You will finish what You have begun in me. Let my lips continue to learn to finish the sentence in the moments which test me. In Jesus' name...

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