Deliberate Choices... Deliberate Ruts (part 2)

Whatever choices we make today will affect our tomorrow. I once read about a road sign in Alaska that read something like this:

Choose your ruts carefully. You'll be in them the next 150 miles.

Maybe you've heard this one:

Sow an act, reap a habit
Sow a habit, reap a character
Sow a character, reap a destiny.

Whatever our struggles, we can choose *just for this moment* to lean on Abba God's grace and strength. We don't have to have "it all together" or know what the ten steps ahead look like. In this moment, we can choose which rut to be in for the next minute, and as we repeat the act of trusting Him and Truth, we develop habits which help us stay in the right ruts.

Abba God, your grace is sufficient, your shoulders broad enough to handle my cares, and your strength is readily available to me when I ask. Give me courage and tenacity to choose You and truth, instead of defaulting to a rut which leads nowhere good. Show me the right ruts to walk in, so I can know You more deeply. In Jesus' name... 

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