What is it I seek?

Abba, I believe your word is true. Transform me, show me truths to focus on today, and fill me to overflowing so others will see Jesus through me. In him name…

What am I seeking today?

Perfection? Yes, absolutely I seek perfection in myself. I want desperately to be exactly my ideal, no less! Let me tell you, that is NOT going to be easy. So, I have a plan. I’ve got goals you see. I’ll get up at 4 am, spend 2 hours in heavy Bible study, 1 hr in prayer, exercise 30 minutes, clean the house, and even have supper in the crockpot before 10 am! I’m going to meet everyone’s needs, answer every friend’s call, and when I see someone face-to-face, I will joyfully look each person in the eye and give them whatever time they need. Yep! I got this…

Or do I?

Your idea of perfection may be different from mine, but don’t we all try to force ourselves into some type of perfection? (I need to do more, be more, yadda yadda...)

Humans have been trying to do this for centuries, and God has been showing us the answer all that time… Jesus. Faith. BELIEVE!

“… did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?... So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?” – Galatians 3:2-5, NASB

Abba, Thank you for give me truth and for convicting me to yield my desire for perfection. Jesus came to save me and HE is adequate. Your grace is sufficient. Your strength is shown beautifully through my lack, my weaknesses. Give me COURAGE today to boast in my weaknesses, and to boast in CHRIST JESUS who alone is perfect. In his name...

“A good definition of sin is simply setting out to meet our own needs in our own way.” – Ron Mehl, Meeting God at a Dead End.

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