It's not about what I need to do!

Today, I can rejoice because of what He’s done and will do. Focusing on myself is a dead end. It’s not about what I need to do. No, it’s all about what HE has already done, is doing, and will do.  

All that I struggle with is NOTHING in light of HIM and what HE has done. His grace – what I don’t deserve  is so rich that it makes King Solomon’s treasures look poor. His mercy – not giving me what I do deserve – is mightier than a tsunami. His love is deep. His provision is overflowing. His promises are true. His wise and holy Spirit advises me. His own Son saved me from slavery and death.

Abba made me the object of Jesus' affection. I am Jesus’ Beloved, and He is mine. He tenderly showers me with His affections, patiently teaching me perfect love. His pure intentions are assurances that cannot be revoked or altered. 

As in all relationships, I still have the choice to draw closer or pull away. Daily I must practice trust. You may timidly wonder, "Can I really trust Him?" Oh, sweet sister, it is alright to ask! Abiding isn't running away from fear. Those who abide ask that question daily, and follow up with their answer. "Yes, He is faithful and true. He is trustworthy. He can and will transform me into Christ's image. I will obey Him, trusting that He will finish what He's begun in me."

He knows I am weak. He gives me strength to do what He calls me to do. He enables me to obey, teaching me to:

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7, NASB

Abba God, to You belong all blessing, honor, glory, and power forever. There’s nothing I can do to make You love me more. Oh, how I want to please You! It seems all You are asking me to do is trust You. I can only obey when I trust You. Open my eyes to see the treasure trove of your perfect love (You’ve saved me, You love me daily, You watch over me, You’ve made me right & clean in your sight, etc). Teach me to open that treasure chest daily and bask in your love. Thank You for saving me through Christ Jesus and for promising to finish the work You started! Give me courage to trust You when I’m tempted to fear or hold to old lies. I do believe. Help me in my unbelief! All my answers that I seek are in Christ Jesus; He is truth, light, and life. Through Him all things exist, which were brought into being. Praise and honor to You, Abba God, for You are so incredibly worthy. I love You. In Jesus’ name… 

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