Ouch! Is it over yet?

Hi Abba. It's me... Over here... Oh, nooooo. Did you HAVE to bring your pruning shears? 

"every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit." John 15:2b, NASB

They're HUGE,  sharp, and scary! I know you're the Master Gardener, but can I just say (once again) that pruning really hurts. I'm tired. I'm weary. I'd like to hibernate and rest my hurts, but there seems to be no rest. Didn't you just prune me? Isn't there another way? 

Oh, I know... You don't have to say it... I know the truth. I can see it in your eyes. As the Master Gardener, you are never rash, brazen, or sloppy with your work. For each cut, you carefully measure the exact place, the perfect angle, the right season. It's only through pruning that I can produce fruit, which is important to you. 

Knowing your perfect love and the results of your handiwork, I really do want to surrender willingly, but frankly if I had legs I think I'd run. I suppose you knew that. That must be why - in your perfect wisdom - you grafted me into this Vine... so I couldn't run.
Well, I can't say I'm joyful about you bringing your shears during today's visit, but somewhere deep down I do trust you to know what you're doing. 

So, please, Sir, as you prepare to make another cut, I ask for courage to trust you once again and for HOPE that this cut will produce fruit. Ok, I'm going to close my eyes now. Ouch, ouch, ouch...ewwww...  In Jesus' name...

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