Kingdom Pride!

Have you seen the latest line of Breast Cancer awareness clothing? Beyond the spunky designs and colors, I believe they are selling well because people are drawn to being a part of something larger than their own life. We search for causes to believe in, for community to be a part of, for a greater purpose. We crave relationship – in spite of living in America, where we're so focused on our individual lives.
Praise The Lord! We are called to a community that is so much bigger than this world can offer! He calls us to unity - not just in thought, but also in heart and spirit. We're one. Period. We may not feel “one” or “see” it yet. BUT… We are Warriors who rise above our emotions and choose to believe truth, even when we cannot “see” evidence of it. We hope. We trust God’s Word to be true and faithful. With that mindset, setting aside every thought which is not aligned with God’s Word, we are focusing on what our Abba has planned for us. After all, our hevenly Father knows best!
1 Peter 2:9-10 will be our theme passage for a week or so. Today, let’s meditate on the depth, the power, and the type of perfect eternal community which our Abba has created for us.
“But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.”
--1 Peter 2:9-10 This link shows NASB, NLT, and The Message.
(My thoughts about “The Message”: I sometimes use The Message in addition to my Bible as a reminder that God’s Word is not merely a list of rules, but is a love letter filled with passion and zeal. It is not a translation, so I do not use it like a Bible, but rather like a devotional tool. The pastor who wrote it was simply sharing what he believes is God’s heart for each passage.)
Abba, we praise you, for you are faithful and true. You are glorious beyond our imagination, full of beauty and honor. You know what is best for us, and your kingdom. With that in mind, we choose to yield to your will today. Father, we’re starting to look at what you have called the Bride of Christ community to be. We know you always finish what you’ve started. Still, many of us struggle to believe that there is a community made for us, and we for it. We’ve been wounded many times, and we are afraid of “community” as we know it on earth. Abba, give us courage to walk in your perfect love which casts out all fear. Teach us The Way, The Truth, The Life… Your Will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Thank you for the mercy we’ve received. Let us be focused less on ourselves, our circumstances, and what we do not see. AND MORE on YOU, your beauty, your love, your noble character, your goodness, your grace, your mercy. Father, you’ve given us so many spiritual blessings (every spiritual blessing!). Thank you. With much love, and in Jesus’ name… 

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