You belong to His family.

Surely, you know that you have been chosen, hand created and hand-picked. In God’s eyes and because of what your Prince has done, you're now cream of the crop, baby!

Have you considered what it means to be part of His family? You are a daughter in His family - HIS family. This is big! Bigger and better than being a prince in England’s royal family! You are a member of THE most valuable family – ever created! Your earthly background and earthly family do not affect your eternal standing or your worth. In the Kingdom of God, you are always a member of HIS FAMILY. And our Abba KNOWS how to take care of His family! No body messes with His crew without dire repercussions. Know what I'm saying?
Praise The Lord! Our chosen family is a sight to behold. We are large, powerful, and cannot be stopped. For we walk in the power and strength of Christ Jesus! We walk in unity, serving our victorious Prince and the Living God, whom we call our Abba... Father... Papa... What a privilege to be able to approach our Abba night and day! Especially for those of us who don’t sleep much.  
Choose right now… to believe…
Yes, we can choose in our toughest of days. We are warriors, His Princess Warriors! We rise above our emotions and choose to believe truth no matter what we “see.” We hope. We trust God’s Word to be true and faithful. We live for our Prince!  We take captive every thought against God’s Word and we praise Abba for He has great plans for His family. We choose to believe that our heavenly Father is watching over His family, strengthening us daily. We trust that He mobilizes His forces - us Warriors – exactly where we need to be, guiding us to do our part through prayer and the good works prepared for us to do. Yes. We make that choice to trust that He does know best and has our best in mind. Oh, sisters, can we not agree that our Abba is so preciously gracious and good to us?
“But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.”
--1 Peter 2:9-10 This link shows NASB, NLT, and The Message.
Abba, King of the Universe, You are amazing! We give all our praise to you, for you are faithful and true. Thank you for calling us into your chosen family. Thank you that we can walk in truth, trusting YOU instead of these weak emotions and earthly circumstances. We yield to your will today and say “Your will be done!” Thank you that we can trust that you will finish what you started. Give us courage to walk in your perfect love, and to cast aside all thoughts that do not match up with truth. Teach us The Way, The Truth, The Life… Let us be focused increasingly more on YOU, your goodness, your authority (you have final say!), your nobility, your grace and mercy. We love you, Father. In Jesus’ name… 

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