Stars Also

Occasionally an author or speaker will share a discovered understatement that rocks my world. [Thanks to author Randy Alcorn for this one!]“In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. “
Oh, and by the way,
"He created the stars also."

Like an afterthought. Easy. What? Wait. 

The box  which I didn’t think I had put God in  is being shattered. 

The God who created the sun and the moon 
– oh yeah, the stars also – 
is my dearest Abba. 

My Abba is The Creator, with infinite creativity and power.

Our Abba God MADE THOSE colors and heavenly bodies in the sky. He set into motion all the rules that scientists are still trying to decipher.

When was the last time you made time to meditate on – and let yourself be astonished by Him?

His character… abilities… imagination … strength… desire for you.
His choice to save… to lean in to hear your hearts’ cry… to meet you in that desert.

Dear friend, THIS is our Father.

The more we consider Him, the easier it is to trust Him and to cast our cares on Him.

Abba God, I don’t want to settle for a lesser version of You! You can do, are doing, and will do more than we can think or imagine. Give us a bigger faith, courage to ask, and conviction that You are able. Don’t let fear keep us from asking. You extend grace with each answer – even with each “No.” Shatter our small understanding of who You are. Help us pray big prayers. In Jesus’ name… 

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