Good news for daughters of the King! (Warrior Princess Series)
Dear daughter of the King, I have some good news for you today.
Whatever struggle you face today... it does not define you. 
You are not called to wear these trials. They are not your clothing. Weariness… frustration… perpetual sadness… Trials come, and The Lord uses them to make us stronger, but your identity is NOT in these things.
You are called to live as The King’s Noble Warrior. You are called to kneel before your Prince, to put on His armor, to gird yourself with His peace and strength – to abide in Him. In Christ Jesus, you are made new. You are ALIVE! You are called to LIFE, abundant and overflowing!
If Christ is in you... the spirit is alive because of righteousness. (Romans 8:10)
Today, I celebrate these 2 facts:
1.     I am alive in Christ Jesus. I am made righteous!
2.     My Prince will come for me!

Today’s verses: 1 Peter 2:24 & Revelation 22:7
Prayer: Father, we praise You for You have given us new life, and a promise that our Prince will return. While we wait, help us to keep our eyes on our Savior, to walk as if we are alive, and to remember every day:
My lover and friend will return for me.
I will be ready.
And we will live happily ever after.
In Jesus' name

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