Abba knows best.

During a very difficult and lonely season of life, a friend asked me what I was so desperately searching for in relationships. Tough question! I knew I was discontent, but why?

I soon realized I was seeking approval from people, because God wasn't patting me on the back. And I wasn't satisfied with how God was showing His love to me. I had to quickly confess that my desires were sinful and repent from them.
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven… " - Matt. 6:1 NASB
Remember Peter getting out of the boat to walk in water with Jesus? Did you ever wonder why Jesus rebuked him? After all, Peter was the only disciple who had the idea to come to Jesus on the water. Peter was the only one willing to try. Wasn't that good enough?  

Nope. It wasn't. Jesus knew Peter's heart. He knows our hearts; we quickly puff up in pride. When we do well, we’re not “commended” by Jesus, because we must not settle for anything less than Christlikeness. Telling us "Well done!" must wait until we meet face to face. Otherwise, we might sit back, stop maturing, and focus on the past (what we've done). No, we must focus on Him. Even when we do something right, we must credit God, for the only good in us is from Him. We are so far short of perfection and greatly in need of His working in our lives. He's not focused on our works; He's focused on our hearts. Are we allowing Him to transform us into His image? He’s faithful, tender-hearted, and kind. He will not give us more than we can handle, but He does call us to follow Him continually, and focus solely on Him. 
Dear friends, do you see that we must keep our focus on Jesus constantly? Do you hear Him calling? "Follow me."  We must look to Him for all our needs, in all situations. Don't look to the left or the right. Don't look at your deeds or your needs. Look to Him!  
"If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." - Mark 8:34, NASB  

Father, we are so grateful that You don't allow us to sit down in our despair or settle in miry clay! You're causing us to attain (through Jesus) something far more valuable!!! Thank You for correcting us and pushing up onward. Help us believe that Your grace is enough, and persevere through all circumstances. Let us remember our place in You, focusing on Jesus instead of ourselves or our circumstances. May Jesus become MORE obvious in me. Teach me to get out of Your way so You can do Your work. We praise You, for You are true, wise, and kind. Thank You that my sweet Savior  loves me and will not stop short of anything less than Himself. In Jesus' name…

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