Evaluations and celebrations...

I know... I know... it's not time for New Years Resolutions. BUT, I find that evaluating my life is more natural for me around Thanksgiving as I'm getting heart-ready to celebrate Jesus' birth. 

In that process, I've been focusing on what God has done for me and couldn't wait to share some insights from 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:10. I'm soooo glad He enjoys showing kindness to His daughters as we seek Him! 
** All of today's thoughts are based on 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:10; I've listed chapter and verses only.

We're to remember what we were like before God saved us through Jesus. (1:26) Some of us avoid this exercise completely, and several of us have gotten SO GOOD at this assignment that we try to gain extra credit by belittling ourselves. Right? I still cringe over my past, but I cannot afford to stop there. 

Reading further, God's Word is clear - we are to celebrate what He has done. So, let's see some celebration today, ladies! How great is our Father's ability. How massive His love toward us! How beautiful His mystery which He reveals to us. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)
  • FOCUS ON GOD, who chose to save me, and who reveals His great mystery to those who seek Him  Boast in HIM and leave the rest behind! (1 Corinthians 1: 27-31)
  • Paul (the "great apostle") did not appear to this Corinthian group with anything showy. He simply shared God's story. (1 Corinthians 2:1) So, too, we don't have to worry about "capturing people's attention" with anything "spectacular." As we've recently seen with Tim Tebow, the world knows a true and honest believer when they see it.  
Abba, you are so beautiful. Thank you for loving me and gracing me with so many blessings. Thank you for releasing me from the past - from all condemnation, even from yesterday when I was ugly toward people I care about. I ask that you give us women the heart to chase after you, giggling as we play that age-old game of hide-and-seek. I know you want to be found, and you do delight in your daughters. We are yours forever. In Jesus' name...

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