My life. His way.

The mind of man plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps. – Pr. 16:9 NASB

I make plans in my schedule, goals, relationships, etc. Not much goes as I’ve planned in my life. And that’s ok.

In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.- Pr. 16:9 NIV

I’ve made lots of plans that never panned out. I suppose it’s like any adventure throughout history. We make plans and preparations, hope for the best, and adapt to survive.

I’m learning that’s ok, too. Abba knows where I need to be – and when. He’s rooted my faith and determined my steps in life. He allows me to make my plans and He aligns them to His plans when necessary.

We plan the way we want to live, 
but only God makes us able to live it.Pr. 16:9 The Message (Paraphrase)

Abba God, how gracious You are! You know what provisions I need so that I can do what You have planned for me to do. You know when I need to rest and when I need to work. You know when I need times of stretching or times of refreshing. You know how to make my next steps firm and solid. I can rely on You, through all of my plans, to get me where I need to be. Give me wisdom to listen when You whisper and courage to trust You. I want so much for my life to glorify You and point others to Jesus! How can I repay You for your grace, mercy, and kindness? Thank You for loving me and patiently guiding me. I’m so glad You love me and care more about my life than I do. In Jesus’ name and for your glory… 

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