It is done, though not through my efforts.

Exertion. Labor. Toil. Great effort. The cunning and deceptive Perfection Beast ravaged my soul, threatening to destroy Hope. Dropping to my knees, I cried out to the only One who could save me. I found myself shaking internally with fear. Was the day lost? Suddenly, a blinding light appeared. I opened my eyes to see Despair gone; Hope standing strong. With one spoken Word, my Prince and Savior had sent the beast screaming into the darkness from which he came. HALLELUJAH!!!

These are my mornings. These are my days. Lies torment me, but Truth prevails! From death and sin, Emmanuel saved me once and for all. From lies, trials and tribulations, Jehovah saves me daily. Emotions don’t always cooperate; some days the wait is harder. Maybe my heart’s just stubborn in believing? I don’t know, but I know the One who does know. He is enough.

How precious to know The Lord has said “it is finished”! Today is NOT about what I need to do, or what I am able to accomplish. My work is to abide in Christ Jesus, to rest from my works and trust in His ability to finish the work He’s begun. So, I abide, He produces the fruit. I’m weak, but He is strong. He gives me the strength and ability to do what He planned for me to do. 

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." - John 14:1

Abba God, thank You for coming to my aid daily. You are my rock and fortress. You saved me, You love me daily, You watch over me, You made me right and clean in your sight. When I revert to frantically scurrying around in circles, looking for ways to run in circles faster, convict me to “finish the sentence” with truth - following up lies with truth. Your Word is the sword of the Spirit, able to penetrate between bone and marrow. Thank You for promising to finish the work You started! Thank You for making it very clear that my job is abiding in Christ Jesus, trusting that HE WILL do the work in me. In Jesus' name... 

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