You, my dear, are new!

if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;

the old is gone, the new has come!

We are made new. The old is gone. Easy to read.
Do we really believe it?
The REAL treasure of who we are is still being revealed to us.

God already sees what is.
Who we are.
We’re still getting our eyes adjusted to His light.
God cannot change or lie.
It’s a done deal.

We can cling to this truth!
He's already made us new!

You are so loved. You are cherished. You are beautiful.
You are made with loving care.
Yes, you really are absolutely ok as you are!

We don’t need to struggle anymore, dear friend. We don't have to force progress.

We’re so much like the struggling swimmer in rough waters. We have a Lifeguard who’s extremely well-trained and has never lost one of His own. EVER. He never will, either. All who are His cannot be taken from His Father’s hand. I say we should – for this second in time – trust our Life Preserver to do His job, while we lean back into His arms. He really will hold our heads above water. And we’ll reach shore faster as we trust Him to get us through these tumultuous waters.

God is responsible for my spiritual progress (sanctification).
I’m responsible for yielding to Him. That’s it. Simple.

Abba God, thank You! Thank You for making us new!!!!! Thanks for taking away the old. Help me lean on YOU - to trust You fully for maturity. Help me trust that You are doing a good work in me and through me. Let me be like the swimmer who, when drowning, relaxes in the lifeguard's arms. Let me trust that I'm safe - that I no longer need to try to save myself, or make myself better. Let my life be pleasing to You. I want so much to live well as a thanks-giving to You. In Jesus' name...

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