
In Mark 6:1-6, we're told Jesus was not accepted in his own hometown, even by his family. 

I understand why the siblings of Jesus had trouble with what Jesus was doing.

Mary... how perplexed she must have been!

She knew the Torah and the Prophesies, but they weren't adding up to what the leaders had been teaching. Jesus wasn't acting like a King who would usurp Roman rulers.

She knew Jesus was God's Son. Mary had birthed Him, as a virgin.
She had heard the prophesies over Him when he was merely a babe.
Gabriel himself gave her the message of who this child was to become.
She saw Elizabeth's pregnancy in her old age - that was definitely a miracle!
God had protected their family more than once, by guiding Joseph through dreams to move to safety.
Yet... when Jesus was in full-time ministry, she couldn't grasp God's big plan in the midst of her preconceived ideas. It didn't make sense.

30 years is a long time to wait to see what God would do through Jesus. 

It's a long time when family members who heard the message of God and saw the miracles aren't living anymore - she was the last witness alive.

It's a long time when countless people whom you do life with - leaders, friends, and family - are focused on their personal gain and freedom from Roman rule.

Abba God, when we wait on You - for answers, for healing, for help, for wisdom, for a paycheck... Whatever we are waiting for, let us hold unswervingly to YOU. Don't let us get confused by people who are muttering, shouting lies, or questioning what we know You have told us. Help us remember that You alone are faithful and trustworthy. Even when we don't understand & it doesn't look like we thought it would, we can count on You to do what You promised.

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