Good Creation. Good Works.

For we are His workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus
Abba God created you and He only creates masterpieces!
Dear sister, do you know that you are called "GOOD" by the One
who knows all your brokenness.

for good works,
which God prepared beforehand
so that we would walk in them.*
He created work for us to do... and He calls our work GOOD!

Abba God - the One who sees and knows everything.
He knows how hard we try, how much we fail, how behind we may feel...
Yet He calls us and our work GOOD.

What grace... what mercy!
He lavishes incredibly tender kindness on us daily.
Shall we praise Him forever?

Abba God, thank you for creating me new, for planning good works for me to do, and being delighted in me (and the good works I do, which I know can only be done through Jesus). Help me trust that even the daily menial jobs are "good"... to trust that the things I do which seem so small and useless are still useable in Your hands. You fed a crowd with just a teensy bitty bit of bread and fish. You can do that - and you do - in my life. Thank you for enabling me to love people you bring in my life, to continue my daily duties, to trust you for provisions... You are kind and your love endures forever! In Jesus name...
*Ephesians 2:10, NASB

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