Desert of Shame (Warrior Princess Series)

Defeat’s salty tears sting as they flow over scars from the past. Reminders of failed attempts – my lack – bring me to the Desert of Shame. I didn’t need to go “there,” but I didn’t know where else to go. I’ve failed so often! How could The King possibly want me to be His ambassador?

I’ve read many accounts of warriors in days gone by. I’m told there’s a time in each warrior’s journey when they feel inadequate, beaten, and not enough for the task that lies ahead – no matter how many victories they’ve won. 
What’s always bothered me in these stories, is the incredible faith which brought those warriors so far along! I cannot even get through one mundane day without feeling expended and useless. They were far much more honorable, faithful, and noble than I!  
I want to do what honors The King, yet grasp how desperately incapable I am, unless... 
Daring not to speak what I desire out loud, I seek answers before continuing on my journey. I'm on a quest for truth and I must speak to – and hear from – The King directly. I need to know if He truly will give me success (in spite of my lack). I do not seek success as the world seeks, but simply to be useful to The King.

It’s a lonely section of this journey, and brings great sadness in the wait. It yields much great worth! For, after a time, the Mighty and Wise King of the Universe confides in His Counselor, “It’s time to send Word.”

What a glorious moment when I hear Word from the King! His Counselor swiftly and powerfully embeds Truth deeply in my heart. I’m astonished! How could I not see this before?

It was good for me to come to this place, the Desert of Shame. It was here that I met God, my King. The shame of who I am (on my own) has proven useful in training me to rely on Him further. He brought me to repentance and has shown me many truths. I will share them with you, dear friends, in the next few letters. At this moment, I must ready my horse for today’s journey. Grace and peace to you, dear friends. 

Abba God, my King, humbly and with much thankfulness I bow before You. You are great and faithful to your servant warriors. May You be known throughout the world as great, glorious, and just! Cause those who are yours to walk in dependence on You, full of your courage and faith. Increase our faith. Strengthen our weak knees. Convict us where we sin, bringing us to repentance so that we may be made more like Christ Jesus. In His name…

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