Talking Myself Thru (5) - Grace helps us face HARD

Hopefully you have taken  - or recommitted to - some healthy steps toward a renewed mind:
  • Figured out the lies you are typically attacked with
  • Found verses to read, pray through, and focus on daily
  • Found 1-2 followers of Jesus who will pray with and support you as you learn to take all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ
  • Chosen and/or created some reminders of God’s faithfulness to you
Our brains are intricately designed, and they hold an incredible amounts of detailed information. Training brains takes time and is a process. Please give yourself time. Abba God is faithful and loves you enough to help you fight this battle. You may find some days are easy and others are hard. Take heart because “
…the one who is in you (Jesus) is greater than the one who is in the world (Satan).” - 1 John 4:4
I thought it might be helpful to someone who is struggling to know what awful lies used to be engraved in my mind. Maybe you can identify. Maybe you’ll think I’m loony. Regardless, I do hope this helps someone to know you aren’t alone in the battle AND that God is powerful enough to break those chains!   I used to think
  • I was too awful for God to unconditionally love. I was absolutely terrified God would run out of love toward me one day.
  • I wasn’t enough – not good enough, not lovable enough. Sure, maybe a human wanted to be my friend for a short time, but they didn’t stick around. So, why would God be different?
  • I was too stubborn - too rebellious – for God to be able to change me, to help me stop sinning.
Yep. Just a few of the big fat lies I believed for way too long. Over time – and much seeking and wrestling with Abba – He has been revealing how His grace is bigger than all of my lack could ever be. 
He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy statement; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men. – Titus 3:5–8, NASB
His grace justifies us, made us right with God, and made us heirs with Christ Jesus. It motivates us and provides what we need to do today’s work. 

That kind of grace – God’s grace – leads me to hope!

GRACE is a mighty powerful weapon that rejuvenates hope. His grace causes me to be able to say: 
  • Because HE loves me and never leaves me, I have hope that HE will help me through the ‘hard’.
  • Because HE gives me all I need to do the work HE planned for me to do – because HE will finish what He started, I have hope that He will help me through all that today holds. 
He has loved me on my worst days. He has proven His faithfulness to me over and over again. He loves me right now. Right here, even when….

Abba God, thank you for your grace, for loving me right where I am today. You embrace all of me. Give me eyes to see how deeply you love me. It’s crazy to me to think that in my most embarrassing season of life – in the depth of sinful actions and harmful words – that YOU LOVED ME EVEN THEN. No human can earn your love; I’m so glad I can’t do anything to make you love me more or to drive you away. Help me accept your grace today, to accept that I am OK, valuable, loved and worth having in your family. Teach me how to battle according to Scripture, to trust YOU to be with me, and to never despair. Thank you for forgiving me, for training me so I can live in freedom, and for your perfect love which casts fear far away. I’m not “there” yet, but I’m glad You are taking me there! Help me lean on your strong arms and to trust that your grace is enough. Your love is enough. Jesus is enough. And I can do today, because YOU ARE HERE. You are present and alive and active. You are with me. Thank you for being faithful!!! In Jesus’' name…

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