Pursue Love! (2)

Most people I know either appreciate or try to avoid Paul's writings. He's not exactly gentle. For those of you who may be sweating or rolling your eyes, please bear with me. When I read his letters - and I didn't always feel this way - I can feel his incredible passion and near-desperation to see people strong in faith and FREE. I suppose that's another topic for another day...

How does this relate to our Pursue Love series?  Read Paul's motive in 1 Timothy 1:5

"But the goal of our instruction
is love
from a pure heart
and a good conscience and
a sincere faith."
What's our motive in our relationships? Are we connecting in love when we speak or  email/text/twitter? What about through our creations, our work, and our body language?
  • Am I quick to speak? Out of love? Do I remember God's grace toward me? It isn't God's forcefulness that draws me closer to Him, and I need to remember that when I'm engaged with someone who disagrees. 
  • When was the last time someone thanked me for encouraging them? Am I always pointing to God's kindness? Am I a bit demanding? Not sure? Ask Abba for opportunities to encourage, to speak truth with grace and kindness.
  • Do I expect others to do life just like me? Is there even one brother or sister in Christ whom I'm irritated by simply because their life looks differently than mine? Honestly evaluate whether you love them out of a pure love. Most of us can improve in this area.  
  • Do I allow for our differences? Do I accept that journeys are meant to be different - in timing and method? Am I afraid that God isn't working fast enough in someone's life? Have I prayed FOR this person before attempting to change their trajectory for them? 
If we could love more like Jesus, just imagine how different our networks might look!

Jesus was clear:
  • He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Him. Jesus is THE Way; not a bunch of rules and regulations.
  • He calls us to follow Him, to love God, and to love people. 
  • He didn't - and doesn't - demand that His followers have it all together. As we abide in Him, He changes us and helps us to deny the fleshly desires.  
"Faith, hope and love... the greatest of these is love."  

Abba God, thank You for loving me when I was your enemy, for clothing me with Christ Jesus, and for making me worthy of the title "Beloved." Thank You for bearing with my human frailties and loving me today as I am. How incredibly beyond my comprehension that You see me through the blood of Christ Jesus, instead of as a hopeless and slow-to-learn ball of clay. Give me your eyes to see others as You see me - with LOVE. Enable me to love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Help me be quick to show kindness. Give me a strong desire to only lift my hands in praise or in a sweet hugging embrace - and remove the desire to lift my pointy finger in judgment. When I'm called to voice truth, sprinkle grace all over my tongue (and fingers if I'm typing); stop me from communicating out of judgment or fear. Help me appreciate and honor my brothers and sisters. Truly, You have made the Body of Christ beautiful, full of unique parts and we need each other. I'm so glad... In Jesus' name...

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