I am a Warrior Princess. I will remember. I will celebrate! (Warrior Princess Series)

Welcome, Warrior Princess. May our Prince strengthen you through His Word today!
"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me;
and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave Himself up for me."
First, I implore you, Warrior Princess, remember from whence you came!
You once were a slave to sin. A prisoner of death, doomed to destruction and loneliness. Your future was bleak, desolate, and hopeless. Eph 2:1 This is not pleasant to ponder, but we must remember.

Celebrate, for Your Prince came for YOU.
Your Knight in Shining Armor came to set you free, Sweet Warrior. His perfect life and powerful death brought down the house of Sin and Death. When The Prince of Peace conquered the Prince of this World, all authority on heaven and earth transferred to the reigning Prince!  Matthew 28:18, Hebrews 2:14-15
Celebrate, for you are united with your Prince.
Through baptism, you were united in His burial and resurrection. Colossians 2:12, Romans 6:4
Celebrate! You are free forever!
  • You are free from sin and death! ALL of my sins and ALL of your sins were completely obliterated. Jesus has all authority and entirely removed the power of sin and death from our lives. They have no mastery over Him, nor us. Now we live! 1 Peter 2:24 We belong to The Prince alone.
  • You are free from yourself! I am beyond thrilled, fellow warrior, to know that my mess is not near big enough to hold me down in Christ Jesus! My Prince is stronger than the flesh. I am free from my bad habits, sins, and weakness I’ve struggled with for so long - they have no power. I may think they do, but as I spend more time with The Lord, I will see the changes He’s making in me. We are more than conquerors, sister. In Christ!  By faith in Christ Jesus, by living in the Spirit, we crucify the flesh with passions and desires. Galatians 5:24 
“and He died for all, so that they who live
might no longer live for themselves, but for Him
who died and rose again on their behalf.” 2 Corinthians 5:15
  • You are free from condemnation! Romans 8:1 That includes self-condemnation, ladies. So, stop it! Warrior Princesses learn to hold themselves with honor, knowing they belong to The Prince. They do not berate what The Prince has done! Jesus Himself perfected us. Hebrews 10:14  He is our sufficiency, adequacy, and competency. (I’m telling myself all of this, too! Lest you mistakenly think I have all this cemented in my heart and mind.)
Today’s verse: Galatians 2:20 
Father, thank you for sending my Prince to conquer all that is evil so that I can be a Warrior Princess. How gracious you are, to set me free from horrible bondage!  Help me to walk in the Spirit each day, so I may live – in freedom and righteousness - as my Prince wants me to. Sometimes I still feel condemned or stuck in a sin – convict me of the truth when I forget in my daily trainings. Convict me to never put down what you’ve created. Cause me to remember …
My lover and friend will return for me.
I will be ready.
And we will live happily ever after.
In Jesus' name…  

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