Let's share comfort and love with the grieving...

Seems like every Fall, a group of teens is killed in our area. It's tragic and my heart breaks for the families and friends affected. A recent accident of this nature has been stirring around in my heart - the reminder of so many who are hurting and afraid to ask for prayers, because everyone forgets grief lasts a long time. It isn't something you can just "get over" or "move on from." Your life is NEVER the same.
It seems especially hard to face loss around a holiday. Traditions, decorations or music shared... so many reminders of our loved ones. This deep void can be so confusing when so much "happiness" is expected from us during the hustle and bustle of the holiday seasons. What a conflict! Grief vs. celebration. And society does not understand - or remember - that a loved one was lost. 
However, we who are in the body of Christ have hope! We not only have a sympathetic friend and brother (Jesus), a Father in heaven who knows our every tear, a great Comforter (the Holy Spirit), AND a large family of brothers and sisters on earth. We have the assurance that Abba uses everything we face to mold us into the image of Jesus.We ALSO have a promise that our pain's never wasted. 
Dear sisters, let us be very careful to comfort others who are in need of comforting this season. Is there someone you know who lost a loved one in the last few years who may need an extra dose of encouragement during Christmas? We don't have to "fix" them, we just need to be a friend who lends a hug, sends a card, or simply prays fervently for them.
Abba, thank you SO MUCH for the spiritual blessings you've given us! Thank you for:
  • the friend we have in Jesus. 
  • being our ever-watchful and loving Abba! 
  • your Spirit who so diligently encourages and comforts us. 
  • for our family in Christ.
Many of us have been hurt badly by someone in the body of Christ. Help us forgive & let those hurts go. Give us courage (YOUR strength in our weakness) to allow others into our lives AND to love someone who might be hurting around us. May you be glorified in our lives as we look for open doors to share our hope that's in Jesus! In HIS name...

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