He wants one thing from me.

Oh, Abba. I need your grace. I feel surrounded on all sides. Demands abound all around! But, YOU only want one thing.


That’s it.

You don’t want me because of something I can provide [a product, service, empathy, etc.] to make your life easier, happier, etc…

You don’t need to (or want to) assert yourself. You have no need to prove that you
know more,
are better at…
or don’t like how I…

You simply want me - as I am. Nothing more. Nothing less.

You don’t demand. You don’t beg. You patiently wait for me each day, and I’m glad.

Thank you for proving your character countless times over, so I can trust you more each year. So that, when you want to stretch me, I can accept it – because it’s from YOU, and because I know that You know what’s best. You know when I need to take a step of faith, when I need to wait, and when I need to rest. You know when I should say yes, when I should say no, and when both are acceptable in your sight. You are so good. You are so full of grace. Thank you for loving me just as I am, for accepting me with all my faults, and for only wanting me. I love you more each day. In Jesus' name... 

Today's verses: Mark 12:28-31 and Micah 6:8
PS - I didn't want anyone to think I'm neglecting Scripture with today's focus. I believe that if I am truly loving God with "ME" (my everything), I will - as an outpouring of my relationship with Him - love my neighbor and will naturally aim to walk justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God. 

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