Reflections on light, leading to joy

It all started with light. LIGHT!
"Let there be light."

Without light, I cannot see COLOR! 
Everything would be dark.

Without color, there is no BEAUTY!
Color defines beauty, giving it vibrancy and meaning.

Without beauty, there can be no HOPE!
Beauty gives birth to hope.

Without hope, there is no reason to search for LOVE! 
We search only when we believe there's something to find.

Without love, we cannot grasp JOY! 
Math explains science; love communicates joy.

Joy is real - a gift from the Lover of our Souls. It's a truth that extends beyond ourselves... beyond whatever season of life or circumstances we face. I haven't found this everlasting joy yet, but I know it's coming. God is faithful, and Jesus repeatedly spoke of a joy He gives followers. I hope you'll keep seeking God with me, believing for brighter days ahead - no matter the circumstances. Love is worth searching for... there is a hope... beauty is all around us... the very basics of color and light are so vital to our existence! Simple gifts leading to an unquenchable joy.

Abba God, thank You for light, color, beauty, hope, love and joy. Thank You for the capacity to behold such amazing aspects of your creation - not only of the physical world, but of your character. As I learn to focus more on YOU (instead of earthly cares) and the simple blessings You've placed all around me, I ask that You open my eyes to see this love and joy You so freely offer me. Give me courage to believe You really do want me to enjoy life - an intimate joy-filled life of abandonment in You. Life abundant, as Jesus promised. In His name...

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