Open letter to those walking through dark valleys

Dear friend, 

My heart breaks for you, as I watch you struggle through the dark valley you must journey through. How I wished that I could lighten your load, but I cannot. I am grateful for the times I've been able to help lighten your load, but it seems that this is a trip I cannot offer more assistance for. All I can do is read your correspondence and pray. This I'm more than willing to do. I love you so much and speak with Abba God about you often, asking Him to meet your every need. I cannot see if He is, but I'm clinging to what He said about our prayers having much worth and being answered. 

I'm ashamed to admit that there are days when I wonder if my prayers are being answered; are my prayers in vain? Are my prayers enough; do they carry any weight? Will He truly escort you through this scary valley? 

Three truths encourage me to continue my work: 

1. The costly value of the blood of the King's own Son, generously poured out for you = God loves you more than I can and values you greatly.
2. The incomprehensible power of the resurrection = God's capable of seeing you through, even when we can't see Him or His work.
3. The promises of Jesus: to teach us, to give us peace, to strengthen us, to finish the work He's started, and to never leave one of His behind.

So, sweet friend, while I wait for word that you're finished with this trek of your journey, I'll continue with the only work I can do to assist you - praying fervently, while I await word of your progress. I do hope to hear from you soon. 
With much love...

Abba God, please help my friend. She's in a terrifying, dark valley right now, and she feels so alone at times. Give her assurance that your eyes are always on her, that You capture her tears in a bottle, that You are carrying her when she feels faint, that You are nearby - even though she can't see you in that dark valley. There is no light in the valley but You, Father, and we humans can't bear the heavy load alone. Shine your light so she knows where to place her feet, resurrection strength to finish this trek well, and glimpses of your love and grace. Please help me be faithful in prayer and give me wisdom to know how to pray. If there's more I can do, please let me know. May she know with full confidence that she is loved and never alone - no matter what. In Jesus' name... 

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