In the presence of a Holy God, the great hold
that Fear and Doubt had on Moses’ life was evident. (Which strikes me as odd, because who thinks of themselves while looking at a burning bush that won't burn up???)
Remember? The Lord was
angered while telling Moses that he WAS the man for the job. In His anger, He still showered grace and mercy on the man. Before Moses was done giving
excuses, Aaron was already on his way
to meet Moses (Exodus 4:14).
How much more is God gracious to us, who have
received the cleansing of Christ Jesus' blood? We are called into fellowship -
COMPLETE UNITY - with our Prince Jesus. We are made one. God sees us as He
views Jesus. And He is gracious. He gives us the strength we need, and
sometimes allows us crutches as we learn what it means to have
God’s plans will be accomplished. He understands
we are weak. If we doubt, God raises up a way.
All that said, I can't help but think that the
same lack of faith Moses had in the beginning of his journey also caused him to
miss out on added blessings. He didn’t need any helper but God Himself.
God calls us to do more than we think we can. In
each doubt we exercise, we miss out on God’s large plans in some way. We miss
seeing just how big of a God we serve.
Yes, Moses was faithful in much. He praised and
followed God even though he was surrounded by 600 thousand unbelieving men and
their families, the very people rescued out of Egypt. For 40 years. It wasn’t
easy. And I am encouraged that a man can endure so much.
However, I must remember, too, that doubt cost
him. Moses had great opportunities to know God more fully, but that lack of
faith was still there in the end. He whacked a rock twice instead of only
speaking to it to release water. And it cost him entrance into the Promised
Land. Even in this, God was gracious enough to allow him to see the Promised
I don’t want to just SEE the promised land in my life. I don’t want to settle for
knowing that I’ll be in heaven and have fullness of Christ Jesus in me THEN…
I want to know JESUS as fully as humanly
possible on this earth, before I die. To know him so fully that nothing can change
my countenance; that others would stop and ask each other, “What was she
drinking? Must be something in the Water…” And I can reply, “Yep. Sure is. I’ll
tell you all about that water if you’d like.”
Abba, thank You for the living water You are giving me. Give me the resolve to focus only on YOU. In your presence, I want to be so fully enveloped in YOU that I don't think of my lack, only Christ's fullness. In Jesus' name and for Your glory...
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