Intimidating verses are now a comfort

Funny to me how some verses seem intimidating & the same verses will later bring great comfort… Or maybe it’s a progression in understanding God’s grace & our current standing before Him because of the power of Christ Jesus? I don’t know.

Lately, these truths have held great comfort for me. I am reminded of the character of One who holds me together when I am weak. He sees details still hidden from my view. His pure love is unbreakable and constant. His mighty strength is unmatched. His resolve is unending and unchallenged. His wisdom and patience guide Him – He knows when to act and when to wait. 

He does not wring His hands wondering "Oh, what will I do?" 

He is immovable and unchangeable. He is holy and frighteningly pure in comparison to us humans.

For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is no one like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning
And from ancient times things which have not been done,
Saying My purpose will be established,
And I will accomplish all My good pleasure.
Isaiah 46:9b-10 (NAS)

"He is God, and there is no other..." This is the One who loves me enough to continually propel me toward becoming more like Christ Jesus. He finishes what He starts – in me, in the church, and in this world.

Oh, Abba God! You ARE God, and there is NONE like You! You are there, wherever I am. Whatever I face! I'm so thankful that I can cling to your unchanging character. I can cling to You in the midst of each pain and struggle! What I face is nothing compared to You. Thank You for being my Rock and Redeemer! In Jesus' name... 

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