I am HIS. A long, but necessary post, even if it only benefits me.

This extra post is only for those who are
weary … or … fearful … or …
running … or …faking until they make it …
If you have “it all together,” don’t bother reading this (until you’re ready for it, cause we all come to a place of despair sooner or later).

A recent loss shook my world in ways I didn't expect. Facing different waves of emotions, I somehow closed my heart off to God. Not completely. Just in certain areas. I allowed my heart to become very guarded against God's love... Maybe I was afraid that God would ask too much of me? Maybe I felt that if I protected myself from God's love, that I wouldn't have to feel more pain? I really don't like to feel pain...  

Yet, if it weren't for the pain, I doubt I'd understand joy. I don’t understand how or why, but it seems to me that the emotions of joy and pain intertwine. When I accept pain (ugh), I face it and accept Abba’s plan for my life – even if He would choose to slay me. Not a pleasant thought.

In fact, it’s downright scary! To lay my life, my dreams, my wants, my hopes, my “rights” down – the point of NOoooo return??? Well, OF COURSE it’s easier to close my heart up and only delve into shallow waters! To only love God to the 4’ mark, instead of diving into 30’ waters. To close the door to further cross-carrying, than to open that heavy squeaky door that’s covered over with interwoven ivy-weeds of Fear and Worry who continue to shout “SHUT THE DOOR!”

I can’t do anything to bring back the one I’ve lost. I can’t change my circumstances (the ones which I know God’s put in my life for this season). But I can choose to let my heart melt or harden in the hands of the One who was, and is, and is to come.

So, tell me. Like me, have you been guarding your heart lately - from people, or more importantly, from the Lover of your soul? [Are you afraid? Good! You’re alive then. Fear reminds us that faith is required for the next step. And I, for one, think that the struggle is HARD and WORTH it. When we face the struggle and tell God we CAN’T, but we WANT to… that’s Jehovah’s business, ladies!!!]

So, my fellow Marthas, let’s remember together how to sit and listen, like Mary did. Hang up your “stuff” & your “doings” for a while. Rest in Jesus, so that your goings and doings become an outpouring of a relationship so much deeper than the one you’ve been trying to make happen.

He wants you to simply BE. 
BE yourself. Trust HIM for the rest. 

I encourage you to find a quiet time – ALONE - to listen to You're My Beloved (under 4 minutes); just focus on Abba and your relationship together. Rest in Him. Cast off those cares. Forget all your responsibilities for the moment. Hear His heart beat for you. Allow your heart to melt before the awesome - and TENDER - Father Creator, who loves you so incredibly much. 

Now, I know I'll get in trouble from at least one if I don't suggest tissues (you know who you are. Tee hee.). Some of you aren't emotional gals, and I understand that. However, may I ever so gently suggest – if you don't tear up at all while focusing on Abba's love for you – could it be that you're allowing your heart to be hard and guarded? Maybe we all would be wise to ask Him to melt those guarded lesions on our hearts before we listen, and take the time to listen again & again until we finally melt in His arms. (As with all of MY words, take or leave them... What Abba says is what really matters.)

Abba, we need you to melt our hearts. Teach us who You are & who you see when you see us. Teach us to soak in your love & to rest in your tenderness. Heal our brokenness, pour salve where we're hardened, and give us courage to look into your eyes. Give us strength to lay down ourselves and to fully abide in Christ Jesus alone - until He's our everything and nothing else matters. In Jesus' name... 

"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30, The New Living Translation

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