The Plan

Jesus came with a mission. 
To rescue us. To keep His Father's Word. 

In the garden, Jesus had to face the reality of what He would soon face. 


Why would He even consider going through with The Plan? 

Twice during His arrest, He answered the "Why."

To a friend and follower, 
[You know I could stop this,] "But if I did, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describe what must happen now?”

Then, to the crowds, 
"But this is all happening to fulfill the words of the prophets as recorded in the Scriptures.” Matthew 26:54, 56a NLT

Jesus came to do what His Father had been promising to do. 

To rescue us from sin. From death. To set us free. To show us true love than gives abundant life. Freedom. 

Our life came at His great cost. 
Nothing could stop Him.
He kept His Word. 
Chains are broken. We are free. 

Father God, thank You for being faithful. You promised to send a Messiah to give people light, hope, and freedom. You kept Your Word! Thanks for being trustworthy and powerful enough to do what You said You're going to do. For giving us freedom from sin, death, from evil. For unfathomably loving us to depths we have yet to grasp. Father, as we reflect on these matters, increase our faith and increasingly love others through us. Give us opportunities to share our stories and share our hope. We trust that You will continue to do all that You haven't yet done, because You are faithful! Be glorified as we cry "Holy, Holy, Holy is The Lord God Almighty. Who was, who is, and is to come." We declare that all blessing, honor, glory, and power belong to You. In Jesus' name. 


Sometimes we are caught up in what we need to do, out of obedience... we entrench ourselves in survival mode while mortar shells are flying overhead. Maybe we aren't necessarily caught up in the doing (today), but in some other overwhelming matter than claims to shackle us to a wall. 

We forget that there is a quiet, private room where only two can fit... cozy, not claustrophobic. Where Jesus waits for us, desiring to fill our tea cups, to warm us, to assure us, to give us all we need for today's battles. Where He gives us the good gifts of peace and joy... 

John 4:10a "if you knew the gift of God, and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."

Father God, help us tell our souls to be still... to rest in the beautiful and strong assurance of Jesus. Give us the courage to sit still before You for a few minutes longer... to breathe deeply from Your provision and blessing. Give us courage to close the door on all the noise and trust that You really are God - wisest, highest, most able, and completely faithful to finish the work You've begun in our lives and in this world. In Jesus' name... 

Hard is Hard

Hard is hard. It stinks. But God - there's always a "but God" - He gives us tools we can use to get stronger through those hardships. Like King Asa, we have choices to make when we need face hard times.

"Were not the Cushites and Libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen? Yet when you relied on the Lord, he delivered them into your hand. For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war." 2 Chronicles 16:8-9 NIV

Remember how God helped you through impossible circumstances before. He is faithful to you. He has walked you through hard before! Unsure how He helped you? Ask Him to show you. He won't zap you for this, I promise!

Remember the cost of not relying on God. Learn from others' choices. Learn from your own choices. (Have we not all chosen to trust ourselves or another human more than God at some point?)

Each time we remember God's faithfulness and the cost of not depending on Him, the choice to trust Him gets easier.

Choose to believe truth… God will strengthen you! He is with You!
Hard is hard | God is faithful | Roses and Rhinos Blogspot
Father, thank You for walking us through hard! For giving us courage to face giants! For giving us faith that continues to increase. Help us finish each hard trial well. Convict us when we don't want to hear Your correction - when pride tries to rule in our hearts. Give us pliable, reachable hearts. We long to honor You and ask that You have YOUR way in us! 

We give You our hard circumstances and agree with You  that, being covered by the blood of Jesus, we are not defined by circumstances. Jesus is our circumstance!!! Jesus is our provision, our sustenance, our life abundant!!! Thank You! 

I ask a special blessing over those facing what seems impossible and mighty. Speak encouragement into their souls. Heal hurts. Strengthen weak knees. Help us in the Body of Christ to encourage one another as we wait for Jesus’ return. Let us finish well together!  In Jesus’ name!  

Faith and Hope. Unseen Yet Real.

(This is a long post. My heart is bursting and I deeply desire that The Body of Christ be encouraged in these truths!) 

I've been deeply reflecting on faith and hope these last few weeks. 

Faith and hope are focused on what we cannot see, but what is real nonetheless

We are constantly encouraged throughout God's Word - dare I say - urged to take hold of faith. To believe. To hope. 

Abraham "hoped against hope". Shadrach & friends told Nebuchadnezzar that God was able to save them, but even if He didn't that they would not bow. Paul & Silas singing praises to God in jail, confident that God was more powerful than their circumstances. Also, the many written of in Hebrews 11. 

Faith and Hope. Unseen Yet Real.| Roses and Rhinos Blogspot
Faith and Hope. Unseen Yet Real.
Truly we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses and are not alone!!! Throughout history, how many people lived fully in awe of God whom we never hear about? Quiet lives who do His work and don't have books written of them. Yet they obeyed and impacted lives around them through their faith... 

Truly, God is at work in His Kingdom here on earth and He is helping us all to do the good works He has given us to do - whether our good work appears clearly to others or not is not the issue. God is revealed through us to those whom God is drawing to Him as we go about His business. 

In all these things, can we not rejoice today? Can we not celebrate His goodness to work in and through us? 

Dear friends, there is something even greater for us to rejoice in! 

When the 70 came back excited from their missionary excursions, Jesus instructed them to have Godly perspective in their victories.

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."” Luke 10:19-20 NASB

Crazy! They had power from The Son of the Real God (not a made up god like cultures around them worshipped). BUT!!!! There was a GREATER gift to celebrate. Their names were written in the Book of Life. They were secure in Christ! 

We also are secure in Christ! We do not shrink back! We are the chosen and equipped warriors of God who seek His face. We work in His strength. We find refuge and encouragement in Him. We are made right with our Maker through Jesus and given authority and power to do the work God gives us to advance His kingdom against the gates of hell. 

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18 NIV

The church will not be overcome. She is the Body of Christ. Jesus is in us and overflowing though us. Jesus has all God-given authority and He has given this to His followers so we can do the work God gives us to do. Our names are written in the Book of Life. Nothing can separate us from God's love.

“But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.” Hebrews 10:39 NIV

Father God, You are glorious! Mighty! Holy! You have not only saved us from sin and death, but also given each of us work to do today. We all have different jobs to do, and all are important. Speak through us to the lives around us. Let our lives be so full of Your Holy Spirit that even strangers would notice and be drawn to You. Open our eyes to opportunities to share Jesus, using words when necessary. Love boldly through us. Reach the individuals who feel lost and unloved. Let them know You are aware of them and that Your love for them is pure. Heal those with diseases, and if not healing in this lifetime, we ask for a mighty outpouring of Jesus through them. Give increased faith to those struggling with anxiety and depression, that they can build their 'believing muscles' today. Thank You for working in our lives and giving us work to do... That we get the awesome opportunity to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus with others! In Jesus' name.

Evidence of growth in you!

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 NASB

God is working the same lesson of learning to lean hard on Him alone in so many of us! The fire has been turned up 7 times, but we are not consumed. 

We process our "stuff" quieter. Faster. Less flailing of the arms. Less tantrums and blow-ups. We cry out to friends less frequently. Explain our details a little bit less. We have stronger faith. Enduring hope. Increasing peace. Jesus is more real to us than ever before. And it shows.

Our view of community has become more like sprinkles on life to enjoy and cherish - instead of our bread & water to live from. 

Jesus has become our sustenance and our thirst quencher. That is GOOD! 

Press on, dear sisters! For, as the pressure continues, our hope will not fail! God will finish what He began in us and in His kingdom! Praise be to God who sustains us by His Word and ministers to us by His Spirit!

Father God, thank You! Thank You for changing us. For promising to finish what You began! For bringing us hope that endures, greater faith, peace and happiness. Thank You for being our sustainer, encourager, guide, and friend. You are faithful and have loved us so deeply. Fill us to overflowing with the love of Jesus, that we may continue to love You more and share that love with those around us. In Jesus' name. 

Philippians 1:6 | Roses & Rhinos | He who began a good work in you will perfect it