Hard is Hard

Hard is hard. It stinks. But God - there's always a "but God" - He gives us tools we can use to get stronger through those hardships. Like King Asa, we have choices to make when we need face hard times.

"Were not the Cushites and Libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen? Yet when you relied on the Lord, he delivered them into your hand. For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war." 2 Chronicles 16:8-9 NIV

Remember how God helped you through impossible circumstances before. He is faithful to you. He has walked you through hard before! Unsure how He helped you? Ask Him to show you. He won't zap you for this, I promise!

Remember the cost of not relying on God. Learn from others' choices. Learn from your own choices. (Have we not all chosen to trust ourselves or another human more than God at some point?)

Each time we remember God's faithfulness and the cost of not depending on Him, the choice to trust Him gets easier.

Choose to believe truth… God will strengthen you! He is with You!
Hard is hard | God is faithful | Roses and Rhinos Blogspot
Father, thank You for walking us through hard! For giving us courage to face giants! For giving us faith that continues to increase. Help us finish each hard trial well. Convict us when we don't want to hear Your correction - when pride tries to rule in our hearts. Give us pliable, reachable hearts. We long to honor You and ask that You have YOUR way in us! 

We give You our hard circumstances and agree with You  that, being covered by the blood of Jesus, we are not defined by circumstances. Jesus is our circumstance!!! Jesus is our provision, our sustenance, our life abundant!!! Thank You! 

I ask a special blessing over those facing what seems impossible and mighty. Speak encouragement into their souls. Heal hurts. Strengthen weak knees. Help us in the Body of Christ to encourage one another as we wait for Jesus’ return. Let us finish well together!  In Jesus’ name!  

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