Knowing God - that's eternal life I can get excited about!

"This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." John 17:3 NASB

Jesus gives us the greatest gift: to know Him and The Father!

God created us to know and be known. Secure, vibrant relationships - in which we are accepted and loved - are only a reflection of what Jesus knew we could have with Him and God our Father... for all of eternity.

Eternal life - not a boring time sitting on clouds, but rather kindred hearts enjoying each other. How much more with we enjoy our time with HIM who loves us so fully and faithfully supports and enables us! It is mind-boggling that we have the option to know God, who is above ALL and yet is immeasurably kind to us. Wow.

I am in awe that He would share himself with us, allowing us to know Him. Shall we celebrate by drawing close to Him in praise and gratefulness?

Abba God thank you for loving me so intimately, for accepting me as I am, and for the incredible gift of being able to know You. It baffles me that You - the Creator of all matter, the One who made all we can see from what can't be seen - that YOU choose to be known by me. Forgive me when I don't prize my relationship with you, choose not to draw near to you, or fall into temptation of believing I can manage even for a second without you. Jesus desired for you to be glorified and for me to KNOW you. Wow! When I take time to consider all you have done for me, and your character, I am repeatedly amazed at the depths you have gone through for me. Convict me when I forget or get distracted. Show me how to deepen my relationship with you; what it means for me to draw near to you. Be glorified in my life, Abba. Have your way in me. In Jesus' name...

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