You may be the only one... (part 1)

Recently a Children’s Sunday School teacher shared a precious moment her grandpa gave her as a child. 

“I want you to walk over to a tree over there. Then pick a leaf and touch it." When asked which one she should pick, he told her it didn't matter, because "No matter what leaf you choose, you will probably be the only person to ever touch that leaf." 

As I reflect on the countless times I’ve stopped and enjoyed trees, often reaching out to touch the needles or leaves, I honestly don't think I've ever considered the countless leaves no human will ever touch... How many leaves have I touched? Hmmm... How many leaves are on the tree I'm looking at right now? How long would it take one person to touch every leaf on that tree? (There. Now you've had just a glimpse into my brain. lol!)

I love observing the different shapes of trees, leaves, and how they move in the breeze. They are breath-taking reminders of my Abba God who loves me so much. 

Truly, The Lord God is so full of wisdom and grace! I'm humbled when I consider how He made trees to provide for our needs (oxygen, shelter, firewood, pollutant-remover, etc.) and made sure they'd grow again after The Great Flood - in vastly different geographical regions all over the world. He made them plentiful, beautiful, and full of variety. Wow... 

What other blessings has Abba God put into the details of my existence that I’ve missed? 

Abba God, thank You for the details You’ve taken care of in my life – many of which I’m sure I’ve still not noticed. Your perfect love and attention to detail is mind-boggling and brings awe into my heart for You incredible power and wisdom. You are powerful enough to overturn thrones and create this world, yet your giant fingers were full of great care when You knit me together in my mother’s womb. This piece of the world that I see is such a tiny part of the planet, and You’ve provided just want I need to be able to do all that You’ve called me to do while alive. I ask for eyes to see more of Your perfect love in the details of my life, so that I might praise You more each day. In Jesus’ name… 

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